Scottsdale, AZ Auctions 2015 – Barrett Jackson


OK – Normally I wouldn’t even TAKE this photo, let alone post it in the blog, but I just had to do both in this case… THIS is Barrett Jackson! That fenced-in area on the right is the Traxxis radio-controlled car display, where rather large cars were doing flips at least 10-12 feet high. I’m sure that is why the little boy and girl (dressed in vintage clothing…) were standing there originally. But, (like me…), the little boyt can’t help himself, and seems to have developed a bit of a “staring problem…” It was GREAT! Complete with a chocolate ice-cream cone – much of which was all over his face – and that hat – it could not have been more perfect! The girl was trying HARD not to laugh hysterically! She is, of course, 100% appropriately dressed for this event, and a perfect example of what I was talking about earlier!

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