This very solid, original car is leaving here as good as new – with all of its original bonet panels rescued and reshaped! Next stop – an E-Type gathering – where it will be the star attraction in bare, polished steel!

I finally found the little riveted on drip channels that I made and then misplaced, so I could attach them and get this door back on!

Here's a shot of the LH side before the final polishing - the blasted '66 roadster shell in the background is up next!

Here's the tail - the decklid just needed to be stripped down - no repairs necessary. You have to look REAL close to even notice that we replaced the boot floor - just the way we want it...

The bonnet is now attached - still all loose. We tighten the bolts up in our own special sequence with the bonnet on to ensure the straightest alignment to the shell possible.

Here's a shot of the complete car from the rear. The shell in the background was a '68 2+2 with bad rust and fire damage, so it became an organ donor - the rear 18 inches was sent to Ohio to convert a Series 2 coupe to Series 1 specs, and it looks like the roof may be going to France soon. The cowl is half-decent and will stay here.