Over the past few weeks, progress has continued, but there have not been alot of “new” tasks – just repeats – another door, another footwell, etc. Here are some shots of that work.

The LH footwell has now been replaced via the same plug-welding method described in the earlier post on the RH footwell. This turned out nicely - there was not much straightening of the floor, sills, etc. required to get this fitted properly. A final "dust off" return trip to the blasters will take care of the residual interior foam padding, etc. that you can see in these photos.

This is a shot of the rust problems in the bottom of the LH door that required us to do a mirror repair of the one done previously on the RH door.

After removing the lower panel, we did TIG up a couple of pinholes in the outer skin. This is the original skin to this car and fits the door hole in the body perfectly. To get a new skin to fit that well would be many hours of labor after the reskinning - grinding and TIG-ing the edges is usually required. So - we elected to blast this skin well, TIG up a cuple small holes, and coat liberally with red oxide. This rust will NOT return. The patch has also been fabricated and coated in red oxide.

The patch is now partially installed. Soon after this shot, the camera battery died but I kept moving - the door turned out excellent - just as well as the RH side, and has now been completed, the drip channels have been riveted and spot-welded back in place, and the door has been re-installed on the shell.